
Ordinary people becoming extravagant followers of Jesus.

Whether we are new in the Christian faith or a seasoned veteran, discipleship is a lifelong journey of maturity and health for the purpose of being all that God has called us to be individually and as a church.  Discipleship is Biblical timeless, and Jesus” method for equipping people to become devoted followers of Himself.  At Gateway, we are implementing a powerful, in depth, practical method for growing and maturing into all that god called us to be.  This Discipleship Process is broken down into four classes
“Extravagant lovers of God and extravagant lovers of people.”

Discipleship Courses

This class clearly explains who and what our church is. You’ll learn about our beliefs on salvation, our statements of purpose, and our church’s strategy and structure. You’ll also hear about the history of our church, how the five biblical purposes are necessary to fulfilling God’s calling for your life, and the plans for the future of Gateway Ministries.
Do you want to become more like Jesus? Class 201 will help you develop the habits you need to jump-start and greatly enhance your spiritual growth. It will give you an in depth guide to the spiritual habits every Christian needs in order to grow.
Did you know that God created you with special gifts intended for his purposes? God didn’t design ministry for just a few – he made each one of us a minister. In Class 301, you’ll learn how God can use your Spiritual Gifts, your Heart, your Abilities, your Personality, and your Experiences (S.H.A.P.E.) to minister to the needs of others.
You will discover your life mission and how you can be a part of God's plan to reach out to the world.  This class will help you: Develop a personal perspective of the Gospel message: Develop your personal story of how God has worked in your life: Build confidence in sharing your story: Understand the P.E.A.C.E. Plan and how you can begin to be a part of it

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